Інтернет провайдер ДКМ

Інтернет у кожен дім

Archive 2021

Unlimited Internet Tariff “Home 200”

Do you want to be the first? Do you want to be faster? Waiting for the proposals of the new generation? – get the best from DKM! Communication, training, work, e-sports – choose the Internet without borders, choose the tariff “Home 200”.    Check connectivity Validity period: up to 01.05.2025


Be confident in tomorrow and save by buying the service in bulk. Pay for the service for 6 months in advance with one payment and get a quality connection at a speed of 100 Mbit per second for 166,5 hryvnias per month    Check connectivity Validity period: up to 01.05.2025

Congratulations on the May holidays

The friendly team of DKM congratulates everyone on the International Workers’ Day, Victory Day and Easter! We provide a work schedule for the holiday week: May 1 and 2 – public holidays;May 3 and 4 – technical support is available by phone;May 5-7 – full working days;May 8 – technical support is available by phone;May

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